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Optimal Recovery Coaching Associates (ORCA)

We are an association of professional Recovery Coaches and Recovery Coach Trainers who are dedicated to the provision of the highest quality Recovery Coach services. 


Recovery Coaches are trained paraprofessionals using theoretically sound, evidence-based knowledge and skills to empower people with substance use or addiction issues. In doing so they enable clients to overcome barriers and build Recovery Capital to enter Recovery and progress along their chosen journeys. 


Coaching is complementary but unique from counselling, treatment and mutual support group sponsorship, all important components of care and sustained recovery. 


Recovery Coaches build trusting partnerships with people and create safe spaces for them to identify strengths, develop positive visions for their future and assist them in the co-creation of unique and varied goals and recovery plans. Recovery Coaches bridge gaps in the system, connecting people to the types of treatment and support they need, linking them with resources and recovery support networks in their communities.


Trained Recovery Coaches will employ evidence-based practices to assist people with substance use or addiction issues to overcome barriers to entering and progressing along their chosen journeys of recovery. 


As well as operating private practices, both Peer Recovery Coaches and Professional Recovery Coaches are increasingly called to assist people by emergency departments, detox and treatment programs, drug courts, mental health clinicians and health insurance providers.

Image by jet dela cruz

Unique approach

Coaching is unique and complementary to counselling, treatment or mutual support group sponsorship, all extremely important components of care.  

Strength based

Recovery coaching helps people identify their strengths, develop positive visions for their future and assists them in the co-creation of unique and varied recovery plans.  

Image by Lucas Clara
Image by Charlie Firth

Keep COnnecting

Recovery Coaches bridge gaps in the system, connecting people to the types of care they need, linking them with resources and recovery support networks in their communities.  

Get Involved

Optimal Recovery Coaching Associates.

Meet our Principals and see how you can become certified and trained to help others.

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